
small things make me happy...

Like this salt cellar I got at Crate and Barrel last weekend...

And getting a new job! I finalized my job offer yesterday to work in the ICU at one of the Madison hospitals. I start July 14th! I also put in my notice at work yesterday... Which was actually a really good feeling, because I got mandated to stay for 16 hours too. Yuck. I feel like crap today. Thanks work! Nothing like a 16 and a half hour day to make you feel great!

On a side note, our power went out for like 2 hours today. Which was fine, gave me an excuse to read a book, but I also realized that I was trapped! Our underground parking has an electric garage door opener... Nice. Nothing like being trapped in your own apartment!



What a rotten day... I was supposed to have an interview in Madison today but they rescheduled it! You know when you get all psyched up for something and then have that let-down... Yeah, that's me today. So I went for some retail therapy. Target of course...

And I found something that I have been looking for for a long time. A bulletin board with some kind of mail slot/basket kind of thing. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find, but finally, here it is...It's perfect! Doesn't take much to make me happy, does it? Now it just needs a new home, preferably in Belleville in a 3 bedroom house... Sigh.