

To go to Ikea!

Desk chair (cushion is begging for some fun fabric)

Matches my kitchen table and chairs

Love the black and white one ($12.99!)

Fabric for curtains??

Looks like a trip down I-90 may be in my future...


Carsten Charles

Strangest thing. I was listening to AM 1310 on my way home from work the other night (weird, right?). And I won Brewers tickets. It was trivia, even! I guess now I'm an "official" fan? So anyways, we're going to another game tonight. Hopefully it will turn out better than the last game we went to...


I NEED photoshop.

Seriously need it.

You can see that I was trying to blur the address on this really cool stamp I ordered to celebrate homeownership. Which is a huge pain in the ass to do with any of the editing stuff I have. I'm not even sure why I care, because I'm pretty sure about 2 people read this blog, but you just never know what kind of internet werdos are peeking at it. Anyways, I digress. I NEED photoshop. And a DSLR camera. Seriously.

What really got me thinking about photoshop was thinking about the wedding (pictures). Right. Did I mention I'm engaged? I think I did once back in March, but then moving, new job, home-buying, etc. kind of kept me busy. So now is the time to start planning and such. We're going to look at a place tomorrow to maybe have the reception. It's a different kind of place. A barn of all things. It seems like it might meet our needs though. More updates soon.