
there's a cake in there

And it has 7 minute frosting on it... yum!

Do you know what I'm celebrating?? Brewers made the playoffs of course! Go crew! A delicious cake on a brewers blue plate should help them make the world series, right? Right.
Now if you don't hear from me for a few days, It may be because I'm sleeping off my sugar coma...


pyrex update

Eric picked this one up tonight... What a sweetie!
This one was thrifted last weekend, I feel the need to make bread...
And these lovelies were a serious splurge. For my birthday, I'll tell myself!



I am wondering however, if the stripes are too much with the floor... But the chair, oh, the chair is perfect. And it's actually comfortable! I need to sew a cover for that cushion quickly though... That white is mighty boring. I got a few more trinkets too.

And this isn't even all of it :)


happy birthday to me!

Wanna see what I got??
An iPod touch! Fantastic! It's a really cool little toy... I just need a wireless router now to see what it can really do. Pretty bad-ass though, huh??


newest obsession

You may be asking yourself... Is she overly concerned with hydration? Perhaps, perhaps not.
But either way, they sure are pretty, no?


I want a whole flock...

LOVE this pattern.

Tucking this away in the back of my brain for someday... Sigh.
For now I can live with just this one!

(and maybe some of these, and these too!)


cough, cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze

I have no idea what my problem is lately. I don't get sick for literally years, and now I have some kind of crazy cold/cough/sinus horrible thing. And I just had strep-freakin' throat in June. So I apologize for a post that looks about how I feel. Crappy. I had intentions of posting pictures of the rib-smoking that went on here last weekend, but I'm just too lazy to go find my camera. In the meantime... Send wishes of vitamin C and sweet nyquil dreams...