

check this out...
Recognize anyone?

I fully expect to get the least amount of votes, but *wink* I'm just happy to be nominated!


just saying hi

My creation

There's a contest going on over here, so I decided to try to snap a couple shots of the two of us. This is actually kind of a big deal for me...

These are the first pictures of me with the baby. I guess I've been feeling pretty blah about everything (myself included). Kind of post-partumish I imagine. But that is not an excuse to hide away in the background... I am soon going to be forced out of this little bubble I've put myself in. Going back to work on Friday. But I think it will be OK. I need to get out and breathe some fresh air. And I imagine Hank does too.

Just wish it didn't have to break my heart in the process...


new camera

Inspired by all those taking excellent pictures on the interweb (including my sister-in-law), I finally got a "real" camera. It's used, from Craigslist, but it's new to me! Now I just need to figure out how to take some of those excellent pictures myself...

first d60 picture
(and I should try to remember to wipe the milk off his face before I take well-focused pictures!)


rough week

First day of daycare. Check.
First shots. Check.
And one baby that Will. Not. Stop. Crying. Check!

Can I get a break, please?


another one bites the dust...

Month 2 has come and gone. Sigh.
I don't know whether to be relieved or sad.
Maybe that's parenthood in a nutshell?


Seems like all I ever do is post pictures of a certain baby...


Sorry, I just can't resist!