:( So apparently my sewing machine won't sew through corkboard. Who knew?? I gues when I upgrade to a new machine (a long, long time from now), I'll have to ask the salesperson, "does your machine sew through corkboard?" And they will give me a funny look. But then I will show them the adorable corkboard project on
craftapple. And they will completely understand. So here's what I am left with...

I guess I could try to hand sew the top on, but I know I will make a horrible mess. We'll see I suppose.
I'm so sorry! I'm trying to think of something that might help - I'm terrible at hand-sewing anything! Did you try just hand turning the machine so it could go slowly? It would really hurt my wrist after all that, but it might be worth a try. I'm really hoping there's a way to finish it because I know how hard it is to stop when you're that close to finishing!
Thanks for your sympathy! I actually did try to hand turn the wheel and no luck. I think I will end up hand sewing it, I just have to muster up the ambition (and find a thimble). Thanks for the tutorial though. It is an adorable project...
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