
more from the pot

Made some Mexican rice tonight in the infamous pot. It's from The America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook. I got it from the library, but I ordered it online tonight (with free shipping, yay!). I'm very impressed with the variety of recipes and the cooking tips too. It's really a nice book.

And I really need to say Go Brewers! They're playing their asses off this week. I'm trying not to have a panic attack between watching them and the Cubs score. We're going to the game tomorrow so hopefully I won't have a stroke at Miller Park or anything. But really. Everyone just take a moment and say some words of encouragement for the boys... (and for me)


clown pants?

My latest sewing obsession has been PJ pants. I think this is my 3rd pair. But this is the only pair that makes me look like a clown! They were a bit short, so I thought I'd add a ruffled bottom. Which is cute...

If you're 4! But I'm going to rock them anyways.

Really only Eric will see them, and I'm sure he won't make me buy a trapeze or anything...

I put them up on craftster too, and so far they're getting good reviews, so that is increasing my clown confidence a little...


mmmmm bread!

Well obviously I'm a little behind the bandwagon with the whole blogging thing, so of course I'm behind the times with the no-knead bread. But I made my first loaf today and I just had to show it off a little. I baked it in the Martha pot of course. So without further ado...My loaf ended up more oval than round because it didn't spread itself out well in the bottom of the pot. I think it was my technique for dumping it in, but I imagine I will get more practice. I haven't cut it yet... So I may have to update this post with inside shots. But I couldn't wait to put up a picture or two! Hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. I also *love* the idea of taking pictures of all the things made in my pot like not martha, so I think I might start myself a set too. Mmmmm.... bread and pretty blue pot. What could be better?


you say it's your birthday...

well it's my birthday too, yeah!

We went to Ikea(!) for my first time. It was wonderful. A little overwhelming, but it was very fun. I managed to get out only spending $100. Pretty impressive I'd say.
I got these cool hanging bar things for the kitchen to hang my new Martha collander and blue utensils! They were gifts from my mom for the birthday. And match my pot so wonderfully. She also got me the colorful kick-A Martha bowls in my wists... Very nice stuff. Very nice birthday.

As we were driving back from Ikea we stopped at a cool little car show. There were some way cool classic cars there. Here are my favorites...

cars, originally uploaded by adribancroft.

All in all, quite a nice day.


isn't flickr fun?

Originally uploaded by adribancroft

Just thought the blog needed a little pretty today... The top 2 pictures are taken in Mineral Point!


rainy day

I had the day off today...

To go to the dentist! Yuck.

But I did find time to make these oh-so-good for your teeth cookies. Yum. Oatmeal raisin. I have been messing around with my camera's settings too, trying to get a better close-up picture. I don't think this one looks so bad, but I still would love a new camera... Oh well, I imagine if I wait I can get the one I want much cheaper. That would be nice.

It has been such a cold rainy day today... I went shopping after my dentist appointment and found 2 sweaters 1/2 off at Old Navy. Yay! I also found a pair of jeans that fit me sort of OK. I never find jeans at Old Navy, so that was nice too. But back to work tomorrow...



Another bag... This one is from Amy Karol's book. I like the book well enough, but the patterns are meant to be copied and increased in size, which I didn't do. I just kind of eye-balled it and guessed what 129% would look like... Which translated to a rather shallow bag, but probably my fault not the actual pattern's. Anyways, I do like it, I just can't pack loads of stuff into it. I may also add some buttons or other trim to the stripe-y area. We shall see. (and the bottom doesn't actually look that crooked in real life)

My Grandma did pass on Friday. Very sad, but I hope that everyone can find some peace now. I know it was so hard on her and her daughters too. Tough time for everyone though.


I was thinking about gratitude today

I went to see my Grandma today who is in the last days of her life. And I was thinking about being grateful. For the time I have and for the people around me, for all the things I have and really for each day... It's hard sometimes to remember, but I do have so much to be grateful for. Easy to get caught up in being stressed and upset about small things.

So I just wanted to stop today and be thankful.


sewing day

Ooooh... Look-y here! A new little bag for me! I finally did a teeny bit of patchwork. I was inspired by this, and this, so I finally did my own. I absolutely love the tan outside fabric. I bought two yards of it on sale the other day at Hancock's. I love the way the pink thread looks in contrast to it on the straps and the top stitching. It is so soft too. Yay! I think I'm going to make a wallet to match. I'm also going to make something with this fabric. Maybe a purse lined with it? I was going to do a purse using it as the outside fabric, but I like the heavier feel of the thicker fabrics on the outside. I also added this scrappy little flower made with this tutorial. I'm trying to use up scraps if you can't tell.


I made pulled pork today in the crock-pot. I don't think I've seen Eric as happy about something as he was today eating pulled pork for a long time. He actually did the pulling too, and he was quite proud of himself... But it was quite delicious if I do say so myself.