
sew this, sew that

Do you ever feel like you just need a little organization in your life? Yeah, I had one of those days today. I don't sew as much as I'd like to, for a variety of reasons, but I thought maybe if I could get a little organizing going... So I went to my mecca (Target of course) and they had these peg boards on clearance. Nice. So I drilled a couple holes in the wall, and here's the result. I like having things up where I can see them, but I hate how white it all looks. I want to paint walls!

I did manage to make a couple more pairs of flannel PJ pants. But they're one of the easiest things to sew. I'd like to try something a little more ambitious... Like this. Isn't it cool? I don't know if I have the patience to finish a project like that, but I think I might give it a try.

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