
Hey, look what I won!

I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it!

I won an ipod shuffle from Bling On My Sewing Machine's blog. She did a give-away because all the members of her family have an ipod already. Generous, huh? A nice little Christmas surprise. Thanks Rachel (and family)!

In other news... It will NOT stop snowing here. We got another 6 inches of snow yesterday. Honestly, enough is enough! I'm a little worried about trying to drive home next weekend for Christmas festivities... We're going to go to my mom's Saturday and Eric's sister's for dinner Sunday. So the snow can stop any time now! I'm going to have a busy week too. I offered to make some cookies for my family's Christmas next week and I'm going to do some stuff to take to Eric's too. And of course work too... But that's enough complaining. The gift shopping, making and wrapping are all done. Now I just need to finish the grocery shopping and cooking!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe you haven't mentioned the engagment yet! Ha-Ha. Congrats on the IPOD you lucky dog!